Still wondering why you can’t find jobs in America?
Why do I do this?
Americans denied right to work @ workplace
Indian Implementation partners(TCS, CTS,WIPRO, INFOSYS, L&T, TechMahindra, HCL, etc.,These are labor product has been developed by these leeches. They are body shops) have taken over 90% of US IT implementations in the USA and colonized the entire workplaces denying the right of Americans to work. They follow strategy of interviewing job applicants by 5-7 level interviews or atleast 6 interviewers will be in the interview panel even for College undergraduates just to deny them jobs and get their relatives or people beloning to their caste/region back in India. And pushing american vendors out of clients, giving job opportunities to Indian prime vendors based out of India or hire low paid H4 spouses(they can work for $20/hr). They are taking advantage of every loophole in the immigration system. Based on immigration system, the clients/implementation partners should hire only highskilled H1B labor. But do QA/Testers/Business analysts require high skill?Big No. These jobs should be given to atleast Americans. But they are bringing people from India even for these jobs. It is a complete scam. Now most of the workplaces are colonized by Indian H1Bs denying entry of Americans.
Help Needed Signs Everywhere
I get emails, tweets, etc. all the time and from time to time I’ll put them here because this has been my experience as well over the last 20 years.
I live on Cape Cod. Mega-corps took over all the hotels, restaurants, etc, killed all the Mom & Pops. Will ONLY hire H2-B and J-1, don’t want Americans. Got 3 YA kids (18, 21, 22). “Help needed” signs everywhere, they apply, but no callbacks. NOBODY at these jobs speaks English
And our citizens are dependent on a government that forces them to work for medicaid at jobs that no longer exist.
In the 70’s we allowed them to send jobs offshore.
I knew nothing and did nothing.
In the 90’s we allowed them to import guest workers.
I knew nothing and did nothing.
In 2003 my once bright future disappeared.
In 2007 I began to figure it outbut I didn’t have a large enough voice to get the message out.
In a way we all experienced the same thing.
The fortunate ones do not believe it is happening.
The unfortunate ones are trying to figure out what happened.
Perhaps this is how we learn.
But it is one hell of a painful lesson.
Now we are dependent on china and mexico for our products.
And dependent on India for our services.
And our citizens are dependent on a government that forces them to work for medicaid at jobs that no longer exist.
Another example of the B-1 visa that can’t be used for jobs, being used for jobs.
“We tell ourselves that [the extra visas are] helping India, but they’re actually helping India to the detriment of Americans,” said Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies.
Indian migrants “see us as chumps, and they see an available opportunity to take advantage of,” she said. “If they get caught [cheating], it is [legally] no big deal,” she added.
Garcetti showed no concern about Americans as he described Indians’ push to reach U.S. jobs:
Be honest now
Compare the two charts.
The top 1 shows how many jobs we create each year, and the numbers are in thousands, so add 3 zero’s to them.
The second shows how many nonimmigrant visas we issue each year for people to move here.
If we don’t create enough jobs for them, where will they work?
Or will Americans be forced out of jobs so that they can work?
I’m serious.
How many veterans and citizens were kicked out of their housing so that illegal immigrants could be housed?
You might want to listen to this starting at around 2 hours 30 minutes
Texas is bragging about creating 37,500 new jobs in Dec 2024
AUSTIN ⎯ The Texas labor market achieved a new record-high level for jobs and the civilian labor force in December. The state added 37,500 positions over the month, reaching a total of 14,318,700 nonfarm jobs. Texas added 284,200 jobs from December 2023 to December 2024, bringing the annual nonfarm growth rate to 2.0 percent, which outpaced the U.S. growth rate by 0.6 percentage points.
December marks the twelfth consecutive month of growth for Texas’ civilian labor force, which achieved another new record high of 15,575,900 after adding 39,900 people over the month. Over the year, Texas’ civilian labor force has added 445,300 people.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Texas registered at 4.2 percent.
“This new record-high level for jobs and the civilian labor force shows the strength of Texas’ economy,” said TWC Chairman Bryan Daniel. “TWC will continue its efforts for continued economic growth by connecting job seekers with employers and providing job training for Texans.”
The Professional and Business Services industry had the largest over-the-month increase in December after adding 17,800 jobs. In addition, Trade, Transportation, and Utilities added 10,400 jobs over the month and Leisure and Hospitality added 3,700. In Texas, Financial Activities grew by 3.6 percent over the year and outperformed the industry’s growth rate nationally by 3.0 percentage points.
“The Texas economy is thriving in diverse sectors,” said TWC Commissioner Representing Labor, Alberto Treviño III. “I encourage job seekers to leverage TWC resources to find rewarding career opportunities that best match their skills.”
As Paul Harvey would say, what is the rest of the story?
If we look at the national data, we find that Foreign Born Employed continues to rise while Native Born Employed has stagnated.
If we look at the national data as a percentage of the workforce, we find a totally different and very concerning view for Texans, and Americans.
If this is happening nationally, it is happening in Texas as well.
Who do you have in the congress that will ask these questions of the Department of Labor and our President?
Who do you have in the Senate that will ask these questions for you?
I ask because I have been asked if I would consider running for the Senate again to ask these questions.
I’ve learned a thing or two since the last time.
I naively believed the media would ask me some questions and I could answer them, and build a case for Texas Families.
Boy, was I wrong.
Bottom line, we can force Senator Cornyn out, but we need at least a million people willing to do it who are willing to donate at least 1 dollar to make it happen.
Or we can continue to let Governor Abbott brag that he is creating jobs in Texas while hiding the fact that only about 43% of those jobs are going to Texans, and Americans while the bulk are going to foreign born nonimmigrant guest workers on visas like the H-1B.
It really is your choice.