Whether the data above is accurate or not is immaterial.
I just wanted you to understand the difference between reality and the JOLTS propaganda.
You can find the data above by clicking here.
According to the JOLTS website, they survey 21,000 businesses out of 33,200,000 businesses.
Click here to view their propaganda.
Folks, 21,000 out of 33,200,000 is not even close to a wild assed guess.
According to their table 1 data, we had 7,744,000 job openings as of Oct 2024.
We had 8,685,000 job openings as of Oct 2023.
This is a decrease of 941,000 job openings.
According to their table 2 data, we had 5,313,000 hires as of Oct 2024.
We had 5,814,000 hires as of Oct 2023.
This is a decrease of 501,000 hires.
Lets see now, we went down 941,000 in job openings and we also went down 501,000 in hires.
Shouldn’t hires go up as job openings go down?
Myself, this crap ain’t worth the toilet paper it is printed on, and it doesn’t deserve any further investigation at this point.
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