The Billionaire Racists of the Department of Government Efficiency

I would have graduated in 1976, but I left during the summer of my junior year and ended up working for AMF Tuboscope in Port Gentil, Gabon, West Africa.

While there I asked my supervisor why there weren’t no other Americans like myself over there and I was told that they had an agreement with Africa to only hire the locals for all but their management jobs.

At the time, I had no idea what this would mean to me some fifty years later, but I do now.

During that time frame, around the mid 70’s, our companies started sending their best paying jobs to other countries seeking lower payroll and regulations.

This decimated many communities in America and when it was brought up, the response was they will find similar or better paying jobs.

For those gardeners among us, we were watering the gardens of other countries while ignoring our own garden here at home.

In 1990, we began importing nonimmigrant guest workers from other countries to take our remaining best paying jobs because they could be sent home if they dared complain about the hours they were required to work at the expense of their families.

Because we barely create enough new jobs each year for our high school graduates, this began to force Americans out of the workforce as shown here.

Again, we were watering the garden of our workers home countries while ignoring our own garden.

This left our citizens with little hope other than to work at big box stores which required little training above the normal.

Now 35 years later one of the heads of our Department of Government Efficiency says that our citizens are not qualified and never even mentions they are not qualified because we have been denying them the opportunity to grow.

The reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over “native” Americans isn’t because of an innate American IQ deficit (a lazy & wrong explanation). A key part of it comes down to the c-word: culture. Tough questions demand tough answers & if we’re really serious about fixing the problem, we have to confront the TRUTH: Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long (at least since the 90s and likely longer). That doesn’t start in college, it starts YOUNG. A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers. A culture that venerates Cory from “Boy Meets World,” or Zach & Slater over Screech in “Saved by the Bell,” or ‘Stefan’ over Steve Urkel in “Family Matters,” will not produce the best engineers. (Fact: I know *multiple* sets of immigrant parents in the 90s who actively limited how much their kids could watch those TV shows precisely because they promoted mediocrity…and their kids went on to become wildly successful STEM graduates). More movies like Whiplash, fewer reruns of “Friends.” More math tutoring, fewer sleepovers. More weekend science competitions, fewer Saturday morning cartoons. More books, less TV. More creating, less “chillin.” More extracurriculars, less “hanging out at the mall.” Most normal American parents look skeptically at “those kinds of parents.” More normal American kids view such “those kinds of kids” with scorn. If you grow up aspiring to normalcy, normalcy is what you will achieve. Now close your eyes & visualize which families you knew in the 90s (or even now) who raise their kids according to one model versus the other. Be brutally honest. “Normalcy” doesn’t cut it in a hyper-competitive global market for technical talent. And if we pretend like it does, we’ll have our asses handed to us by China. This can be our Sputnik moment. We’ve awaken from slumber before & we can do it again. Trump’s election hopefully marks the beginning of a new golden era in America, but only if our culture fully wakes up. A culture that once again prioritizes achievement over normalcy; excellence over mediocrity; nerdiness over conformity; hard work over laziness. That’s the work we have cut out for us, rather than wallowing in victimhood & just wishing (or legislating) alternative hiring practices into existence. I’m confident we can do it.

More and more it is looking to me like our Department of Government Efficiency has been put together to eliminate regulations that would protect our American workers and to import more nonimmigrant guest workers to take the place of our American Workers?

To me, Make America Great Again means to make it better for Americans in America, even if we have to water our own garden and train our fellow Americans in skills they don’t have.

What was quoted above was only Vivek Ramaswamy.

This is what Elon Musk has to say.

No, we need more like double that number yesterday! The number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low. Think of this like a pro sports team: if you want your TEAM to win the championship, you need to recruit top talent wherever they may be. That enables the whole TEAM to win.

Then we have these 2 as told by Laura Loomer.

How about this guy,

? Is this the same guy? Or will you say this is someone else too? Is this your “best and brightest” Indian boy

, David? Is this the “right guy” with the same name who works in VC talking about how INDIAN IMMIGRANTS in tech should scam our immigration system by marrying US citizens so they can get green cards? Or will you tell Trump this is a different guy too? You do know that immigrants plotting to marry US citizens for green cards is immigration fraud right? Why should I stop? I don’t really want people scamming my country or Trump for that matter. I take it very personally. So tell me. Same guy? Different guy? What’s the story now?

Who knows with any of this stuff, but I’ve seen enough to recommend shutting down the Department of Government Efficiency and to end all nonimmigrant guest worker visas until all of the mothers in America are finally seeing their children have a chance to build a future as Americans in America.

That means a new initiative to educate Americans and invest in Americans to teach them these skills.

The actual problem at the very root is that Americans don’t value education at a cultural level like Indians do and therefore aren’t initiating themselves to learn the necessary skills needed to thrive in this new economy.

Perhaps it’s also because they don’t know that it’s much EASIER and less of a mystery than they are lead to believe about the space.

Remember a FOB Indian with 3 months of training is able to fool an American interviewer that he’s a 7 year pro.

It really is not that complicated, but that knowledge is hidden from everyday Americans.

We need to let Americans know that it’s not rocket science.

That means a new initiative to educate Americans and invest in Americans to teach them these skills.

It’s festering because we are facilitating this fraud and crying racism at anyone who fights against it.

I like Razib and all the Indian names mentioned here (save for National Review Ramesh perhaps) but please don’t attribute my views on stuff without actually getting it from me.

I am vehemently against the H1B system and I’m especially against more of them coming from India.

Too many of them have a penchant for being complicit in this fraud, and then well meaning Indians wonder why anti-Indian sentiment is so rampant.

It’s festering because we are facilitating this fraud and crying racism at anyone who fights against it.

I prefer not to lie in that bed my fellow Indians are making for me

Anyone actually MAGA for long enough know that cutting down illegal AND LEGAL immigration is the top priority for America by far.

The biggest insult is that the Silicon Valley tech bros (who only recently accepted MAGA and America First whether opportunistically or genuinely) want to tell the OGs of MAGA what America First really is.

Anyone actually MAGA for long enough know that cutting down illegal AND LEGAL immigration is the top priority for America by far.

Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t actually understand the movement and is gaslighting to their own benefit.

Just gut America for dollars and bounce.

The consultancies in the middle are the ones making the big free sweet money, and they’re neither brilliant nor bright at anything.

They just have a network back in India of people who are willing to work for them and put up with whatever to make that sweet American dollar that converts so well back in India.

That’s the game-plan for them.

Make as many dollars here and save them so they can go back to India and “live like kings”.

They don’t intend to build or invest here.

Just gut America for dollars and bounce.


why can’t we just train Americans to do that?

Ask yourself, if some Indian fresh off the boat, getting 3-4 months of training is able to fool an American that they are actually a seasoned 7-8 year professional, why can’t we just train Americans to do that?

Why import anyone?

That’s where the indentured servitude model of tying the visa to the employer is highly important.

Americans can take the training and leave and take their talents to another company, because Americans have rights and will not tolerate being mistreated.

Imported workers on a H1B do not have such rights or a path for recourse.

If the H1B worker doesn’t comply or keep their mouth shut, they are sent back.

This is why Americans aren’t being trained or selected for these jobs, because they can go to another company at any time for any reason.

The H1Bs can’t by design.

Merit has nothing to do with anything, and the Americans who are in charge of gatekeeping the system can’t actually sus out merit or fraud.

Even worse, they might be scared of denying applications due to “racism”.

How not to hire Americans in America.

Okay since the H1B visa and country caps and the tech sector and India an Indians are all a hot topic right now, I would like to address this as someone who has worked behind the scenes in H1B consultancies in the tech sector and explain EXACTLY why I’m against removing country caps, against the H1B visa, and against the entire canard that we need to import more people from anywhere, let alone India, to do “jobs that the tech sector can’t find Americans to do:
1) Sourcing Talent- Big companies like Google and Meta have the resources to go and actually pluck out the ACTUAL best talent from these countries, and it’s not hard for them to attract those applicants either because they have the brand recognition. All the best want to work for the best. This isn’t necessarily the problem. The problem is all the no name consultancies and mid size/small size consultancies. They can petition for H1B’s too. How are they sourcing them? Well, they (usually run by Indians) just find a guy from India through their network…who’s willing to work for them and come to America. That’s it. They’ll make sure they have some kind of Bachelors or Masters from some college out there and have the aptitude to learn and understand software that’s it. They aren’t actually “geniuses” or anything like that. They are just willing to work and can learn to “talk the talk” quickly.
2) Importation- once the prospective worker agrees, the consultancy petitions the American government (USCIS) on their behalf, saying they tried to recruit for the job (job doesn’t exist) in America and couldn’t find anyone, that’s why they need to bring this guy. Key part of this is that the visa is tied to the employer, so if the employer drops the worker, worker has to go back. He can’t just find another job. This is the indentured servitude model.
3) The Gambit- the consultancy makes sure the guy speak English, and that’s really it. USCIS can’t actually vet the workers on the knowledge they claim they have, especially a vast and sophisticated field like software. USCIS doesn’t actually have a way to tell if someone is lying about their skills or not. All they have to do is convince the USCIS that they can speak English so they can come and immediately start working here.
4) The Actual Job- once they get the petition for visa approved and they come here, they find out (or already know) they actually don’t have a job here yet. The consultancy now tries to find Corp to Corp contract gigs for the worker. That’s if they actually know the tech and they’re not faking. If they are faking their skills, another workflow is initiated.
5) Training Day (or months) – the fakers are trained for up to 3-4 months in a software that’s marketable and fetch a good hourly contract rate. Basically a coding Bootcamp style program. They go from zero to superficial knowledge in the tech, just enough to pass an interview with a potential client.
6) Sell the fake – after training the fake for 3-4 months, the fake is provided with a fake resume claiming 7-8 years of experience. Why? Because that’s how much experience is needed to demand a minimum of $50 per hour on a contract. Does it work? Duh. These workers trained for 3-4 months routinely fool interviewers looking for 7-8 years experience.
7) The Split- once the job and rate is secured, the consultancy bills at $50 per hour and pays the actual worker the minimum (about $27.50) an hour, and the consultancy pockets the difference. Imagine a 100 H1Bs on a roster doing this for you. Does this sound like fraud? Well that’s because it is, from beginning to end.

How many jobs are open in Ameria according to the JOLTS report?

Whether the data above is accurate or not is immaterial.

I just wanted you to understand the difference between reality and the JOLTS propaganda.

You can find the data above by clicking here.

According to the JOLTS website, they survey 21,000 businesses out of 33,200,000 businesses.

Click here to view their propaganda.

Folks, 21,000 out of 33,200,000 is not even close to a wild assed guess.

According to their table 1 data, we had 7,744,000 job openings as of Oct 2024.

We had 8,685,000 job openings as of Oct 2023.

This is a decrease of 941,000 job openings.

According to their table 2 data, we had 5,313,000 hires as of Oct 2024.

We had 5,814,000 hires as of Oct 2023.

This is a decrease of 501,000 hires.

Lets see now, we went down 941,000 in job openings and we also went down 501,000 in hires.

Shouldn’t hires go up as job openings go down?

Myself, this crap ain’t worth the toilet paper it is printed on, and it doesn’t deserve any further investigation at this point.



Have President Trump and Elon Musk forgot the Buy American and Hire American law he signed into office on 04/21/2017?

I know from my experience trying to get into software at the Department of Veterans Affairs that they have NEVER adhered to this law, which is why I throw this at them ever chance I get.

I’m not an attorney but if I read this right, this means zero nonimmigrant guest workers which includes all kinds of visas as I show here.

President Trump, you have been through a lot just as I have, so I’ll post the link to this bill here so that you can man up and adhere to it, or fight, fight, fight using the attorneys that your billionaires will reccomend to you.

Want Proof that the Veterans Affairs has not adhered to it?

VAOIG-13-01730-159 (1)

We can also look here as another example.

Apparently austin tx is who is responsible for hiring veterans like myself for this area.

As you can see, they have at least 21 nonimmigrant guest workers contracted out on H-1B visas, so it is pretty obvious why they won’t hire white conservative veterans like myself even though they are a veterans organization and have paid for both my VRAP and VRRAP retraining courses which apparently they could care less about.

For those wanting full detail for these applications, you can click here to view them.

Now because they submit these H-1B applications in all kinds of spellings, you can click here to browse the other veterans organizations/spellings.


Will those that I call parasites that call themselves Chief Executive Officers avoid their Marie Antoinette moment that is rapidly heading their way?

I’m with Steve Bannon on the staple a green card proposal that President Trump made.

I realize he made it because he surrounded himself with the very people that are creating this Marie Antoinette moment.

While I believe it was the wrong way to deal with it, the recent murder of the Healthcare CEO occurred because they are denying claims to be more profitable.

Think about it.

People pay insurance all their lives to protect themselves in their moment of need.

And then when they need help, Healthcare companies deny their claims.

Wouldn’t you be pissed?

I would.

But what is even worse is in 2023 we created 3,013,000 new jobs.

And we had 3,705,540 high school students that graduated.

Read that line again.

We didn’t even create enough jobs for our high school graduates.

What about our college graduates?

What about our unemployed, many who are veterans like myself that want to work in our field so we can provide a future for our families?

Do we not deserve a future?

Yet these CEO’s send the jobs we need to build a better future to other countries.

And they import guest workers to take our remaining jobs that we need to build a better future, from other countries.

Are we pissed?

Am I pissed?

You betcha your ass.

While I would never do what the guy did by murdering a CEO, I probably wouldn’t have any symphaty for those CEO’s.

Hell, I would prefer to line them up against the great wall of China and let all their former employees whose lives they have destroyed, talk to them.

But like Steve Bannon, I’m looking for a way to get those clueless greedy idiots to wake the fuck up.

Lets add in the rental CEO’s that are making it impossible for us to put a roof over our heads as they are some of the worst parasites America has to offer.

Enjoy the video.

As for the reporter, he is clueless, and arrogant, but he will meet his waterloo one day.