Lets talk about what we do know about jobs being created in America

There are 3 job tracking numbers that the Department of Labor / Bureau of Labor Statistics maintains.

They are the CPS, the CES, and the OES.

The numbers that are read out monthly are the total nonfarm payroll numbers.

The link to pull that data is here:


You want to retrieve the Seasonally Adjusted Numbers.

This way it will match the numbers the news media releases each month.

I pull the table A-7 data each month when that is updated, but it will never match those numbers.

I believe this is because it is based off the CPS numbers, and not the CES numbers.

If somebody knows exactly why, please chime in.

I update the table A-7 data each month so that it shows up here.


This will give us all the job creation numbers we need.

Now we need to find a reliable yearly source of data for:

  • High School Graduates
  • Unemployed
  • College Graduates
  • Homeless

We need these numbers because before any calls for guest workers from other countries should be entertained, we should be asking what about Americans, Do they not deserve a future in America?




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