Wondering why you cannot find good paying jobs in America?



Two things other than skills and education determine whether you can find a good paying job in America.

(1) how many jobs we create above how many jobs we had the previous year. You will find that in the row labeled “Jobs Created”.

(2) How many guest worker visas were issued for workers from other countries to come to america to work. You will find that in the row labeled “Visas Issued”.

As you can see, every year we have issued more guest worker visas than we have created jobs for.

Ask yourself what happens to the Americans if we import more guest workers from other countries to work when we didn’t create enough jobs for everybody?

The homeless, the people living out of their cars, the people forced to move home with their parents, those not working or seeking work.

Do you understand why they have gave up looking for work?




You will find links to all of the data used to create this spreadsheet above.

My actual spreadsheet can be found via the following link.


Until we all work together and quit being silent about this, it will continue to grow worse.

I can’t fight it by myself.

Neither can you.

But United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Want to know what types of visas were issued per year?

Click on the following link.


For those that prefer graphs.

I have found a slight problem in this and have fixed it. I had calculated Foreign Born and Native Born job gain using the total jobs created (bottom row in yellow).Problem is the top yellow row is the actual number of jobs created, so I have fixed it.



Foreign Born Workers on visas like the H-1B have received more jobs than Americans for 11 months in a row.

Still wondering why you are having a hard time finding work?

I update this monthly.

You can always view the most recent data by clicking on the following link and scrolling to the bottom of the page.



Biden creates 12,000 jobs and economists are shocked

For years I’ve been saying that Biden has not created 16 million jobs, and that he actually gained 6 million jobs over the high point we were at before the corona scam.

And I’ve been saying that his job creation has been declining monthly.

Apparently these economists do not know how to think outside the box, so I’ll show you how to do it.

You go to the following link at FRED and download the last 5 years of Total Nonfarm data.


You then find the Jan 2021 data for when Biden’s term began, and you copy all data after Feb 2021 so that you can copy it to a new column like I show here so you can get the gains and losses for each month and chart them.


Do you think Biden’s job gains have been dwindling for most of his term after viewing that chart?

My spreadsheet is here if you want to doublecheck anything.


BLS introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures


Remember when Wild Bill Clinton was getting serviced by interns and denying that he ever had sex with them at the same time?

While he was grinning from ear to ear, and your attention was diverted, he changed how unemployment was calculated so that he could say unemployment was down.

Click on the link above to read all about the changes.

Why do I believe there are more than 600,000 H-1B workers employed in America?

The H-1B program is the largest U.S. temporary work visa program, with a total of approximately 600,000 workers employed by 50,000 employers. The program’s intent is to allow employers to fill labor shortages for jobs that require a college degree, by providing work authorization for migrant workers in fields like accounting, journalism, health and medical, and teaching. Most H-1B workers, however, are employed in occupations like computer systems analysis and software development.


We import about 6 million nonimmigrant guest workers per year.


The H-1B portion of these nonimmigrant guest worker visas can be seen on the line beginning with a H that says Temporary Worker and Trainee.

As you can see, it runs about 500,000 every year.

These visas are good for an initial 3 years and then can be renewed for an additional three years.

So we have 500,000 times 6 years or 3 million.

Keep in mind that the H-1B has been issued since 1990 so ultimately we have 34 years times 500,000 or about 17 million that have been processed over this time period.

Now these numbers are for H-1B applications.

I have never been able to get anybody to explain to me why a visa is issued for an application if the worker is not coming here to work.

I have also seen many stories showing how when a H-1B loses his job, they convert to student visas or other visas so that they can remain here until they find work again.

The real actual visas issued are under intial applications and continuing applications.

I have been told many times that only 85,000 H-1B approvals per year happen.

But as you will see in this yearbook, the actual initial and continuing approvals mirror the H-1B applications.

You will find this chart on page 5 of the yearbook which can be viewed by clicking on the link below.



I founded Keep America At Work in August of 2007

Had a lot of really good information on here.

Lost it all several times because I couldn’t pay the hosting fee.

Left it inactive for many years while I built guestworkervisas.com

It is time to bring it back and use my knowledge to help you understand what is happening in the jobs market.

Our only focus is jobs and opportunity.