If you see this in your company and you do not stop it, you are the problem.

OK, here goes my mega-thread on H1B. This is my experience not only as a tech worker, but as a leader of large engineering teams. I work in at a large and well-known Silicon Valley tech company, and have been here for over 10 years. I’m tagging a bunch of people in hopes that people read and understand the magnitude and cause of the problem.

First of all, the scale of this problem. When I go to work, in Silicon Valley, it’s rare I see any Americans at all. Everyone, literally, is Indian, with a smattering of Chinese. Just recently I was at a meeting of all director and above leaders for my product, and I was the only one (of about 25) who was not Indian male. Picking a random senior director of engineering at random from our corporate directory, who is Indian, he has 36 US-based employees. Of them 2 are American, 2 are Chinese, the rest Indian. All of his bosses up to the CEO are Indian. This is not an outlier. This is a typical director and I could pick virtually any in our engineering org and see the same thing. If you walk into our San Jose cafeteria at lunch time, you’d think you’d been magically transported to Bangalore. You would see almost nobody but Indians. This stands in stark opposition to Elon’s absurd claim that it is “insanely hard” to migrate here. 1/9

We do have a large number of contractors from the body shops. However, my own team and the teams I work with are all full-time employees (FTEs.) These FTEs are not paid less than Americans. Their pay is based on title, grade, and location. A grade 5 H1B software engineer in San Jose is on a pay scale which is identical to a grade 5 American software engineer in San Jose. In fact, these H1Bs are paid more. They received relocation costs of around $25k to come to the US. They get thousands of dollars a year in visa expedite feeds, and legal fees paid by our company to Fragomen, the evil immigration law firm. They get a minimum one month of undocumented PTO to “work from India” each year. While they are “working from India” they are off-line and not working, thus it is PTO. I don’t get that month. They are also given huge bonuses compared to Americans. When we assign bonuses each year, we assign a percentage of their target bonus to give. A high performer can get more than his contracted bonus if I assign, say, 120%. (This is common, and we usually get extra budget.) I have assigned mediocre employees low bonuses only to see my Indian bosses override and assign much higher bonuses. One of my mediocre employees got 200% from the Indian execs, double his contracted bonus. I’ve never, ever (ever!) in 10 years seen an American assigned 200%. And yet it’s happened with multiple Indian employees, and it’s generally dictated by execs for their favorites. 2/9

Why are these people employed by the company when they are more expensive? There are a couple reasons. First, whenever we lose an employee in America we are told to backfill in India, because it is a fraction of the cost. Then, when the Indian employee is trained up on our products and processes, he asks to be moved to the US. I have never approved a relocation, but my Indian bosses insist on it. These relos happen on either L1 or just an H1B. Because we refuse to backfill Americans with Americans, we have created a pipeline of Indians into America. This also means there is a large cadre of foreign workers in the US trained on our products, and it is becoming hard to find non-foreign workers who are. The other reason is that the Indian mafia that runs our company practices invidious discrimination against Americans. The Indians favor their own. As a hiring manager, I’ve been sent resumes many times by Indian colleagues of friends, always, in 10 years, ALWAYS for other Indians. When I tried to source a diverse candidate pool for a recent requisition, and was about to hire a diverse (i.e., non-Indian) candidate, my Indian exec pulled the budget from me. Meanwhile, another Indian leader in my organization had a req at the same grade level and closed it immediately by hiring an Indian buddy. As is always the case, the buddy had no expertise in the product or technology domain. They will hire Indians with no expertise and train them up, but never Americans. 3/9

Hallway conversations are always in Hindi. I have raised this to the executive level twice in director-and-above meetings. In both cases the execs (Indian) asked the team to speak in English. Literally the next day, my colleagues were speaking Hindi in front of me. Indians tend to only invite other Indians to meetings. They exclude those of us who are not Indian. (This is not just my personal experience, I’ve confirmed it with many other Americans). Then, when it comes time for performance reviews, your Indian boss will tell you that you are not “participating”. Indians are hyper-aggressive and rude, and if you come from a culture that values politeness, they will run all over you and then tell your boss you are not aggressive enough. Meanwhile, meetings run by Indians are catastrophic shouting matches which demonstrate the worst decision-making I’ve ever seen. I had stellar performance reviews working under the handful of American bosses we have. I had a variety of company awards and recognitions. When I was finally transferred to an Indian boss, everything was taken away. My team was divided up and re-assigned to Indian managers, and I was given negative reviews for the first time in my life. 4/9

There are also a number of US universities that are participating in the scam. Our own company established a program to train people up in our technologies at a state university in the middle of nowhere in the midwest. Hey, we’re training Americans, that’s a good thing, right? In actuality, the professor running the program was Indian and used the program as a vehicle to bring in Indians on F1 visas. I’ve met dozens of graduates of his program, and every single one, without exception, was from India. 5/9

The idea that we are recruiting the top talent from other countries is absurd. We’ve seen product quality deteriorate rapidly. The foreign-born workers are incapable of writing clear or consistent documentation. Our release product contains spelling and grammatical errors in the user interface consistent with those Indians make. Our American customers are constantly complaining, our market share is plummeting, and yet we continue to hire more of this “top .1%”. The Indians certainly have enough education to code and do other technical tasks, but do so in a slipshod manner. They do only their own job, and don’t coordinate well with other teams. When we point out problems, they revert to the default mode of those reared in India—defensiveness. They refuse to admit there is any problem, and the more they are challenged and their shoddy work pointed out, the more they yell and scream. There is no introspection, no ability to learn from one’s faults. 6/9

In the time I have worked here I have met with the FBI, the CIA (although they use another name), the Army, the Navy, and many other major US government agencies. They all use our products in their critical infrastructure, and they select our company because we are “American”. We may be headquartered here, but virtually nobody building these products is actually American. I would point out that while Indians are by far the largest group of foreigners—and I would rank India as an economic enemy—China is the runner up. Chinese nationals are a significant portion of the H1B workforce. I also happen to notice that the Chinese I work with spend a lot of time “searching” internal web sites and are very useful for having documentation on all sorts of projects within the company. If I need confidential documentation on a product I’m not working on, I always ask a Chinese co-worker and they will have it. My previous company found an advanced persistent threat in its code. That is, the Chinese who were building our infrastructure product had infected it with hidden code that could be triggered by China. If we were to go to war with China, they would pull the plug on our computer systems and networks immediately, since they built much of them. Recent attacks like Salt Typhoon show this weakness, yet nobody every talks about the issue of H1Bs and foreigners building the products of companies that were explicitly called out as compromised. 7/9

Meanwhile, my white working class suburb is rapidly being taken over by foreigners, primarily Indians. In a just a few years, we went from 80% white to 40%, the difference being made up of Indians. Every house sells to Indians now. They have banned beef at neighborhood parties, and cricket is now taught at neighborhood schools. When I moved here, 10 years ago, I was surrounded by American neighbors. Now, when I walk outside, all I see is women in saris and men with third-eyes. They are not friendly at all, despite what Scott Adams says. They have moved in and rapidly displaced customs and culture that has been built here for decades, with their own. The whole neighborhood now reeks of curry. Other towns face similar fates. Growing up in the Bay Area, I knew many people from Fremont. They had names like Doug and Dave and Mike. Now, you’d be out of place in Fremont without a name like Ashish or Kumar. The city is entirely Indian. The new film “Didi” showcases the fact that Fremont has been taken over—the cast is non-American. The people who built these places have been displaced from their own homes, and are no longer treated as welcome here. 8/9

The Wall Street Journal editors probably don’t know any of this, as they sit in their nice homes in rich parts of Virginia or the Hamptons or wherever they live writing editorials in support of H1B. Elon Musk certainly knows better. Elon’s HQ was until recently in Fremont. Driving around he would have seen this. He knows the tech industry and what these companies look like. That makes Elon a bald-faced liar when he says it is “insanely hard” to migrate here. He knows that’s patently false. The complete displacement of one people by another has many names. Colonization is a good one. Invasion is another. The H1B program is turning large swaths of America into suburbs of Uttar Pradesh. These people who are coming over do not care about you, about America, or about our history or customs. They just want to take over. They want your kids replaced by their kids. They want your culture replaced by their eight-armed gods. If we don’t do something drastic now, it will be too late. This means: ending birthright citizenship, cancelling H1B, rolling back green cards for Indian citizens, and sending people back to their home country. Go make India great again. That’s your home. This is mine. 9/9


President Trump, the 100,000 jobs that SoftBank will create will solve nothing.

The November 2024 total nonfarm payroll number is 159,288,000

The latest U-6 unemployment percentage is 7.4%

This means we have 11,787,312 people that are unemployed.

We also had 3,705,540 high school graduates needing jobs.

And we had 10,438,327 guest worker visas issued.

This means we need to create 25,931,179 jobs to keep up with the demand.

We created 3,013,000 jobs.

This means we are short 22,918,179 jobs.

Adding in the SoftBank job numbers of 100,000 means we are short 22,818,179 jobs.

And something along these lines happens every year.

Is it any wonder that our Congress, our Senate, and all of our Governmental organizations cannot balance a budget when they can’t even discuss these numbers openly with us?

Or are they deliberately not willing to discuss these numbers because it proves they are not doing their job to protect the American Citizen?


Is Fox News, President Trump and President Biden to blame for the recent CEO shooting?

Do people buy insurance to help them in their time of need?

Why do our students go to school?

Why do 22 veterans a day commit suicide?

Three totally separate questions, but all three are deeply related.

Recently Brian Thompson was murdered.

He was the CEO of United Healthcare.

This was terrible no matter how you look at it, and the murderer should be tried and prosecuted according to our laws.

But how and why did it happen?

The details are still being sorted out but the theory seems to be that he had his healthcare claim denied.

If people pay healthcare to protect them in their time of need, who do they turn to when a corporation denies them in their time of need?

This is a volcano that has been simmering for sometime, and my thought is if you leave people with no options and back them into a corner, what will they do?

I ask this question because there is a bigger volcano that is ready to explode on a much larger scale.

Our corporate executives have been sending our best paying jobs offshore.

It started with the lie that they would find similar or better paying jobs.

This has been happening since at least the mid 70’s and it has destroyed once bright futures, and many communities.

Starting earnestly in 1990 these same corporate excecutives have been importing nonimmigrant guest workers to take our remaining best paying jobs.

Once again this is destroying once bright futures and leaving our citizens nowhere to turn, and many of our once thriving communities in ruin.

Many of us who have endured this have gave up ever working for corporate america again, and have sought safe harbor in government jobs.

Problem is, these government jobs, whether they be state or federal are now hiring the same imported guest workers.

And after decades of attempting to let every contact I could find at the Department of Labor and Department of Veterans Affairs know, I can assure you that nobody is home.

They are clueless, but when the average person working at unemployment offices across the country make around $30,000 per year, do we really think they can understand what skills are necessary to make six figures per year in the technology industry?

Like most I used to think this was only happening in the technology industry, but after 20 years of studying this, I realize it is all jobs in America and it can best be shown via this chart.

If you look at the number of jobs we created over the previous year, and then compare it to the number of visas issued, you realize that we have many more workers than we do jobs.

If you break down the visa totals into actual visa types, we see that the B-1 visas have the largest numbers.

I have had people say you can’t use those B-1 visa totals because they are not allowed to be used for work.

When I inform them that Infosys has been fined for using the B-1 visas for work, they then say well that is only a small percentage, which could very well be true.

Or it could be totally false if enough whistleblowers come forward.

We may never know the answer to that.

To move past that question, I decided to add our high school graduates as they will need work once they graduate from high school.

As you can see by the chart, in most years, we had more high school graduates than we created jobs for.

At this point a large quantity of people will say that is because they don’t want to work.

But if their experience is anything like mine, they are not finding jobs, and once again, this is because we import many times the number of guest workers compared to the number of jobs we create.

Somebody is getting forced out of the work force and since it isn’t the imported guest workers, it is the american citizen.

And trust me, nobody in the media or government is listening.

The picture above is a summary of a monthly total for foreign born employed and native born employed that shows who is getting the most jobs created since Jan 2007 when these totals first started.

If you look at the green row, you see that Foreign Born Employed has gone up by .037 and that Native Born Employed has gone down by .037.

This is an exact one for one match, and it repeats every month.

What is not so obvious is that Foreign Born Workers are only 19.2% of the workforce whereas Native Born Workers are 80.8% of the workforce.

Yet Foreign Born Workers have received 52.2% of all new jobs created since Jan 2007 with Native Born Workers receiving 44.4% of these new jobs.

Is it any wonder we are not finding jobs?

Hell, President Trump is preparing to staple green cards to their diplomas if they graduate college.

And Stephen Miller has gone silent.

And Elon Musk is telling the guest workers that he will move heaven and earth to get them here.

And he doesn’t seem to care if Americans get forced out or not.

And still the media plays the hypocrite about the shooter.

And our politicians like elizabeth warren and AOC play the other side and hint that the people have nowhere to turn.

And we watch as that smaller volcano erupts.

While we sit on top of a much bigger volcano that is heating up.

22 veterans a day is something that should not be happening.

But it is.

During President Trump’s first time in office, I wrote him a letter stating that I believe many of these suicides may be because of the economic problems I’m describing here.

He must have read it because about six months later I get pulled into the office at the local VA hospital and asked if I am suicidal.

That is how tone death management is all the way up and all the way back down the line.

Here I am trying to describe what is happening.

And there response is, there must be something wrong with you.

This is why the problem will continue to grow until somebody else gives up and targets another corporate executive, which I hope will never happen.

While some politician shifts the blame to the same corporate executive rather than admitting that they might be the problem.

And that their actions are enabling all of this nightmare.

Do we create enough jobs for our High School Graduates President Trump?

I ask this question because Elon Musk wants to import even more workers at the expense of Americans in America.

I feel that this is wrong.

Lets discuss the numbers.

Jobs created data comes from the following link.


Visa data comes from the following two links.



High School data comes from the following link.


This data gives me the ability to put together this chart so that I can ask the right questions of President Trump, Vice President Vance, and the billionaires of the DOGE gang that I’m beginning to believe do not represent every day Americans in America.

Hopefully they will prove me wrong.

So President Trump and Stephen Miller are throwing displaced American Workers a bone to nibble on?


Does eliminating the H-1B visa do anything to help American workers get back to work when there are so many other visas that can and will be used?

A better question to ask President Trump is, are we creating enough jobs for our citizens and the nonimmigrant guest workers you want to import?

The obvious answer is no as the following chart shows.

Why can’t you find a job?

The blue bar is how many new jobs we have created each year.

The orange bar is how many visas were issued to import workers on nonimmigrant guest worker visas.

To find out which type of visas were issued, click on the following link to see the details.


Should we let our government kill 6,745,026 american citizens in 2018?




Wondering why you cannot find good paying jobs in America?



Two things other than skills and education determine whether you can find a good paying job in America.

(1) how many jobs we create above how many jobs we had the previous year. You will find that in the row labeled “Jobs Created”.

(2) How many guest worker visas were issued for workers from other countries to come to america to work. You will find that in the row labeled “Visas Issued”.

As you can see, every year we have issued more guest worker visas than we have created jobs for.

Ask yourself what happens to the Americans if we import more guest workers from other countries to work when we didn’t create enough jobs for everybody?

The homeless, the people living out of their cars, the people forced to move home with their parents, those not working or seeking work.

Do you understand why they have gave up looking for work?




You will find links to all of the data used to create this spreadsheet above.

My actual spreadsheet can be found via the following link.


Until we all work together and quit being silent about this, it will continue to grow worse.

I can’t fight it by myself.

Neither can you.

But United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Want to know what types of visas were issued per year?

Click on the following link.


For those that prefer graphs.

I have found a slight problem in this and have fixed it. I had calculated Foreign Born and Native Born job gain using the total jobs created (bottom row in yellow).Problem is the top yellow row is the actual number of jobs created, so I have fixed it.