Elon Musk tells Trump I can create an infinite number of jobs if you will let me import more guest workers

And President Trump falls for it, hook line and sinker.

Elon has been in business a bunch of years now.

If he could create those jobs, he would already have done so.

Why are they not showing up on a chart showing how many jobs were created each year since 1970?

Because he hasn’t been able to do it.

It takes a very large swing to show up here.

Don’t believe me, look at what the 100,000 jobs softbank will create, will do.

Do you want to verify how many jobs we create per year?

Click here to get the job totals.

Download the data.

Import the data into some type of database, and then using the month() function grab all of the december data.

Now export that into a spreadsheet so you can work with it.

See the second column that has the actual jobs data in it?

Copy it to the third column and offset the row so you can subtract the 1939 data from the 1940 data as I show in that picture.

Then create a jobs column where you do the calculation.

Very simple process, or if you have the time you can type it in or cut and paste it.


Elon Musk will tell you he only wants to import .01% of the best and brightest the world has to offer.

There are 8 billion people in the world.

.01% of that is 80 million people.

Our historical job creation since 1970 shows we have never created more than 4 million jobs per year with the exception of the corona scam where we regained some of the jobs lost the previous year.

And it proves that for the most part, we create less than 2 million jobs per year.

Now Elon says infinite job creation is possible.

If that were true, there are so many unemployed and underemployed Americans, we would see that in our historical job growth.

Yet we don’t see it.

Why is that?

And for those 80 million guest workers he wants to import, for them to have jobs when we create so few jobs, 80 million Americans would lose their jobs.

I picked the year 1970 to start with because sometime in the 70’s, our businesses began shipping our jobs offshore.

And in 1990 the H-1B scam where we started importing guest workers to force Americans out of jobs began.

There was once a fictional piece going around that said for every H-1B worker we imported, they would create 1.92 new jobs.

Do you see that happening anywhere in the chart above?

Now to be fair with Elon, he might have meant .01% of 1 % which would be 8 million jobs.

Still, we do not create enough jobs for our own high school graduates.

And if we let him do that, I can guarantee you that at least another 99 of his fellow billionaires will want to import their own .01% of 1 %.

Which brings us right back to 80 million nonimmigrant guest workers being the goal, at a minimum.

Job Creation since 1970 till today.

Back around the mid 1970’s our businesses began shipping our best paying jobs offshore.

And in 1990 our businesses began importing nonimmigrant guest workers from other countries.

Fast forward to today where Elon Musk tells NewsMax that there is infinitie potential for job creation.

Maybe there would be, but when we send jobs overseas as fast as we import nonimmigrant guest workers, the data shows that job creation has remained the same since 1970 with the exception of the subprime mortgage crisis and the corona scam years, where it eventually subsided at a similar rate to all other years.



Problem with that chart is it is too hard to read.

So lets take the same data and produce a yearly chart.

That 4000 line.

That is 4 million jobs per year.

As you can see, we have only gone above it when recovering the jobs lost to the corona scam.

According to the average function in excel, we actually create 1,497,167 jobs per year.

Yet we average nearly 4 million high school graduates each year.

My spreadsheet follows in case you want to verify the data.
