Biden creates 12,000 jobs and economists are shocked

For years I’ve been saying that Biden has not created 16 million jobs, and that he actually gained 6 million jobs over the high point we were at before the corona scam.

And I’ve been saying that his job creation has been declining monthly.

Apparently these economists do not know how to think outside the box, so I’ll show you how to do it.

You go to the following link at FRED and download the last 5 years of Total Nonfarm data.

You then find the Jan 2021 data for when Biden’s term began, and you copy all data after Feb 2021 so that you can copy it to a new column like I show here so you can get the gains and losses for each month and chart them.


Do you think Biden’s job gains have been dwindling for most of his term after viewing that chart?

My spreadsheet is here if you want to doublecheck anything.