Foreign Born vs Native Born calculations

Every first friday of the month, I enter the following data after it is released by the Department of Labor.

Then the system makes these calculations.

Resulting in this display.

And you can find this ACCURATE data by clicking on the following link at any time.

One concern I do have is if they revise previous period data at any time for any reason.

There are those that will blindly tell you that foreign born workers are not replacing native born workers on a 1 for 1 basis.

The evidence is overwhelming.

I upload the new data monthly when it is released.

All calculations are shown here:

You can easily produce a chart by clicking on the XLS button and prove that Americans are being displaced on a one for one basis as I show here.

Yet still there are those who believe they know better than everybody else who will say this is not happening.

Folks, I can’t fix stupid.

Do your homework.

Don’t trust anybodys work, even mine.

Inform yourself.

Stephen Miller, are you still using inaccurate data to advise President Trump?

The top one is inaccurate.

The correct one can be found below this line, along with the correct data.

Want to verify the data yourself, click on this link and retrieve the data by checking the “Employed” for both foreign born and native born and then looking for the may data for each year.

Doesn’t matter who it is, question the data

Sometime back an anonymous user on Twitter told me that Employed and Unemployed combined equals the total nonfarm payroll number that is issued each month when they release the unemployment numbers.

That may be true and I’m curious if anybody from the Department of Labor or Bureau of Labor Statistics is reading this, could you confirm or deny that.

On 15 November 2024 the Institute for Sound Public Policy released an email stating that “since the pandemic most employment growth has gone to immigrants. ” with a link.

As most of you know, I have been fighting the statement that all jobs have gone to immigrants since 2019 that I first noticed at Zero Hedge.

I track this data monthly and I knew that was inaccurate, so I clicked on the link and found this.

So I checked their data against mine and sure enough, it was accurate for May 2020 and I started to stop there.

But I decided to run the data for all months and as you will see here, it is a good thing that I did as their data was inaccurate for May 2021, May 2022, May 2023 and May 2024.

The columns in yellow should match the numbers they have on their chart.

The first set does, but the rest don’t.

Now I’m wondering if I might have fat fingered something, so I go back to the source and pull that data.

Here is the Foreign Born Employed Data.

Here is the Native Born Employed Data.

Folks, my data is accurate, but as always, I think you should question any data, including mine.

I have to assume they fat fingered something, but I’m sure they will release the true data in the future.

Foreign Born Workers on visas like the H-1B have received more jobs than Americans for 11 months in a row.

Still wondering why you are having a hard time finding work?

I update this monthly.

You can always view the most recent data by clicking on the following link and scrolling to the bottom of the page.