And our citizens are dependent on a government that forces them to work for medicaid at jobs that no longer exist.

In the 70’s we allowed them to send jobs offshore.

I knew nothing and did nothing.

In the 90’s we allowed them to import guest workers.

I knew nothing and did nothing.

In 2003 my once bright future disappeared.

In 2007 I began to figure it outbut I didn’t have a large enough voice to get the message out.

In a way we all experienced the same thing.

The fortunate ones do not believe it is happening.

The unfortunate ones are trying to figure out what happened.

Perhaps this is how we learn.

But it is one hell of a painful lesson.

Now we are dependent on china and mexico for our products.

And dependent on India for our services.

And our citizens are dependent on a government that forces them to work for medicaid at jobs that no longer exist.

Have President Trump and Elon Musk forgot the Buy American and Hire American law he signed into office on 04/21/2017?

I know from my experience trying to get into software at the Department of Veterans Affairs that they have NEVER adhered to this law, which is why I throw this at them ever chance I get.

I’m not an attorney but if I read this right, this means zero nonimmigrant guest workers which includes all kinds of visas as I show here.

President Trump, you have been through a lot just as I have, so I’ll post the link to this bill here so that you can man up and adhere to it, or fight, fight, fight using the attorneys that your billionaires will reccomend to you.

Want Proof that the Veterans Affairs has not adhered to it?

VAOIG-13-01730-159 (1)

We can also look here as another example.

Apparently austin tx is who is responsible for hiring veterans like myself for this area.

As you can see, they have at least 21 nonimmigrant guest workers contracted out on H-1B visas, so it is pretty obvious why they won’t hire white conservative veterans like myself even though they are a veterans organization and have paid for both my VRAP and VRRAP retraining courses which apparently they could care less about.

For those wanting full detail for these applications, you can click here to view them.

Now because they submit these H-1B applications in all kinds of spellings, you can click here to browse the other veterans organizations/spellings.