Category: Don’t hire Americans
Lou Dobbs: Cook County Resolution against H-1b
Visa Consultants selling H-1b visas
CBS5 KPIX 6/22/07 on the Cohen & Grigsby youtube video
CBS5 KPIX 6/26/07 Double H-1b to 150,000
Lou Dobbs: Law Firm teaches how to avoid hiring Americans
That means a new initiative to educate Americans and invest in Americans to teach them these skills.
The actual problem at the very root is that Americans don’t value education at a cultural level like Indians do and therefore aren’t initiating themselves to learn the necessary skills needed to thrive in this new economy.
Perhaps it’s also because they don’t know that it’s much EASIER and less of a mystery than they are lead to believe about the space.
Remember a FOB Indian with 3 months of training is able to fool an American interviewer that he’s a 7 year pro.
It really is not that complicated, but that knowledge is hidden from everyday Americans.
We need to let Americans know that it’s not rocket science.
That means a new initiative to educate Americans and invest in Americans to teach them these skills.
It’s festering because we are facilitating this fraud and crying racism at anyone who fights against it.
I like Razib and all the Indian names mentioned here (save for National Review Ramesh perhaps) but please don’t attribute my views on stuff without actually getting it from me.
I am vehemently against the H1B system and I’m especially against more of them coming from India.
Too many of them have a penchant for being complicit in this fraud, and then well meaning Indians wonder why anti-Indian sentiment is so rampant.
It’s festering because we are facilitating this fraud and crying racism at anyone who fights against it.
I prefer not to lie in that bed my fellow Indians are making for me
Just gut America for dollars and bounce.
The consultancies in the middle are the ones making the big free sweet money, and they’re neither brilliant nor bright at anything.
They just have a network back in India of people who are willing to work for them and put up with whatever to make that sweet American dollar that converts so well back in India.
That’s the game-plan for them.
Make as many dollars here and save them so they can go back to India and “live like kings”.
They don’t intend to build or invest here.
Just gut America for dollars and bounce.
why can’t we just train Americans to do that?
Ask yourself, if some Indian fresh off the boat, getting 3-4 months of training is able to fool an American that they are actually a seasoned 7-8 year professional, why can’t we just train Americans to do that?
Why import anyone?
That’s where the indentured servitude model of tying the visa to the employer is highly important.
Americans can take the training and leave and take their talents to another company, because Americans have rights and will not tolerate being mistreated.
Imported workers on a H1B do not have such rights or a path for recourse.
If the H1B worker doesn’t comply or keep their mouth shut, they are sent back.
This is why Americans aren’t being trained or selected for these jobs, because they can go to another company at any time for any reason.
The H1Bs can’t by design.
Merit has nothing to do with anything, and the Americans who are in charge of gatekeeping the system can’t actually sus out merit or fraud.
Even worse, they might be scared of denying applications due to “racism”.